Tuesday, April 28, 2015

IoT networks LED lighting

This article is shared from Electronics Weekly

LED lighting promises lower costs because it delivers a longer operational life and higher energy savings compared to alternative lighting options. When it is connected to the network, such as through a wireless or power-over-Ethernet (PoE) connection, users also gain unprecedented control, through automated and remote access, to dynamically adjust the brightness, on-off patterns, and/or colour of each IP-addressable lamp.

The internet of things (IoT) also promises lower costs by integrating sensors with devices so that network systems can automatically detect and shut down devices when they are not being used. Because devices are connected to the network, users with the right software and security access can remotely monitor figure 2_LEDsand command them.

The lessons of history
Both LED lighting and IoT device technologies are in the early-adopter phase of their respective lifecycles. The technologies underlying them are relatively mature, but neither has yet experienced an explosion in demand with a must-purchase product. So how can these technologies reach the tipping point that leads to general adoption? The history of such transitions in other products can give some indication.
Desktop computing reached its tipping point after operating systems supported a graphical user interface and hid from the user much of the complexity of connecting computers and peripheral resources.
Digital video recorders led the transition away from video tape by moving the tiny control panel display on to the larger television display and connecting to the content of provider’s servers, allowing users to specify what they wanted to record by the name of the show rather than by date and time.
Smartphones and tablets reached their tipping point after multi-touch user interface displays simplified how users issued commands, which also made it easier to connect devices to other services.
In each case the new feature of the user interface made the device easier to use and easier to connect with other resources and services. This expanded the capability of the original device.

What about the future?
Is the ability to monitor and control lighting and IoT devices with your smartphone sufficient to push connected LEDs into general adoption? What would be the impact if we explicitly connect and integrate IoT devices with the locally networked LED lighting system? Connecting IoT devices to IP-addressable LED lighting can provide a novel way to deliver new capabilities to users.

Hearing loss is a relatively common physical condition, so connecting alarms, doorbells, baby monitors, smoke detectors, and door locks to the LED lighting network has real benefits. This enables the system to use colour changes and flashing lights to notify users when an alarm goes off, when something in the kitchen needs attention, when there is someone at the door, and even when and in which direction there is an emergency.
For people with reduced hearing who already use similar systems, the lighting system is special-purpose and hardwired. A networked LED lighting system can provide this capability and follow the user to whichever room they may be in at no additional cost other than acquiring the right software.

When all of the lamps in an LED lighting system are considered as a whole, even more impressive capabilities become possible. Imagine you are in a public building for the first time and an emergency such as a fire occurs that takes out the building’s power. How would you find the quickest and safest way out of the building? LED lighting systems connected via PoE can still operate in a power outage if the network has battery backup.
If environmental sensors were connected to the LED lighting system, lamps could be used in conjunction with one another, changing their colours and their on-off state to direct occupants to safe exits. If a path became unsafe, the lighting system could reroute occupants.

Until now, the most important driver for lighting has been to improve energy efficiency and reduce cost. Connecting IoT devices and sensors with a lighting system increases opportunities to provide new capabilities with a simple user interface. Because all LED lamps and IoT devices are individually IP-addressable, they can each give a personalised response.

Because many new capabilities arise from using existing devices in combination with each other, installing LED lighting and IoT devices can future-proof them, so that other new capabilities need only be software changes. It is likely that the transition to a general adoption of these two technologies is intimately intertwined.

For complete and original post see here 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Essentials of Internet of Things: 4: An Illustrative Business Case

Internet of Things is finding its way into our life. Here is one of the cases where IoT is contributing for business success and efficiency. For efficiently managing nearly 73 thousands of refrigeration units, a company is using facilities and equipment management software platform from a service provider Verisae , a major retailer has developed a predictive analytic based program for refrigeration cabinet maintenance, covering over 1000 of its retail locations.

As data streams in from sensors on the units, predictive analytics decide what is likely break in near future. Refrigeration technicians are dispatched with everything required for non-disruptive, preventive maintaiance call during the two-week window prior to a predicted failure.


  • The systems is running up with up to 98% accuracy
  • It is key performance indicators are positive and encouraging 
  • maintainance costs are down
  • Equipment "trading time"is up
  • business risk is down,
  • offered product quality is up
  • end consumer satifafaction is up for the retailer
This is but a tip of ice berg of IoT world

The Essentials of the Internet of Things : 2- Building Blocks

The Internet of Things (IoT) devices are expected to take over many of activities that are currently attended by humans: opening the house door or setting up Air Conditioner or like. Then the question arises in the mind that: what makes the Internet of Things human equivalent?. The answer is very simple: Sensors. 

Sensors are the building blocks and essential ingredient of practically all IoT devices. These sensors built into IoT devices are capable of registering changes in the environments: temperatures, light, pressure, motion or sound.  
  • A sensor in a thermostat can notice variations in temperature in the environment and act accordingly
  • A sensor in a illumination system can notice changes in the intensity of lights in a location and use it as a feedback to make changes if necessary
  • A sensor fitted in the tyre of a vehicle is capable of noticing any change in the pressure and will inform the driver if pressure falls below required level
The sensors of an IoT device are part of device category called Microelectomechanical systems (MEMS). They are manufactured in much as same way microprocessors are manufactured, via a lithography process.

These sensors can be paired with an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). This is a circuit with limited degree of programming capability and is hardwired to do something particular. It can also be paired with microprocessor and may be attached to a network ( wireless radio) for communication.

The Essentials of Internet of Things-3- Stages of Internet of Things

An IoT device is a sensor-embedded system. The operational phases of an IoT consists of sensing, collecting, storing , processing, sharing and decision-making. Broadly it consist of the following distinct phases

  1. Sensing: The sensors which collect data. This includes identification, authentication, and addressing the sensor or device
  2. Application: An application that collects, processes and analyzes this data for further aggregation and consolidation
  3. Decision: Decision-making and the transmission of data to the decision-making server. Analytic engines, actuators and Big Data may be used for decision making 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Essentials of the Internet of Things-1 : What is the Internet of Things?

Like Cloud Computing did around 2007, a new phenomenon is underway which is expected to affect us- society, business and human life as much as Cloud computing is doing. The new phenomenon is known as the Internet of Things or briefly abbreviated as IoT. Chances are that you might have already heard about it or read about it. If you are a lucky one, may be you have already using one or more IoT enabled device such as smartphone or fridge. It is also possible that you have come across terms such as smart home wherein a toaster communicates to smoke detector to avert any fire.  You might wonder: How are they are connected? and what enables such connection between such heterogeneous devices? 

There is no single consensual definition for IoT. It is a phenomenon and can only be realized or recognized through its results. For example consider this scenario: You arr returning from office or a trip and as you nearing  your home, 
  • you may switch on water heater; 
  • as you approach front door of your home, a remote control built into your key unlocks the door.
  • The door's wireless radio messages the network, that prompts the hall light to turn on. 
  • The house thermostat, that has lowered after you left for outside, returns to comfort level. 

All these actions are happening in coordination and concert. So a simple definition of IoT would be " A real Internet of Things is a concert of and coordination among multiple devices"

Friday, April 24, 2015

Research Readings in Internet of Things

Data Encryption and Transmission Technology for Cotton of IoT Security

X Zhao, L Qi, Y Li, J Chen, H Shen - LISS 2014, 2015
Abstract IoT is a double-edged sword, it brings convenience to the control system, but also 
brings some security problems to be solved (Yang, Research on Key Technology of Control 
Security in IOT. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. Beijing, 2013). This ...

The Information Security for the Application of IoT Technology

J Jiang, D Yang - LISS 2014, 2015
Abstract With the wide use of IoT technology in the production and daily life, the problems of 
information security and privacy security have been gradually exposed. Based on the IoT 
technology architecture, we made a deep analysis of the security problems from the ...

Securing networks in the Internet of Things era

C Liu - Computer Fraud & Security, 2015
We all know that the Internet of Things (IoT) is coming, and its sheer scale alone is almost
mind-boggling: Gartner reckons that the number of connected devices. ...

Internet of things devices go open source [News Briefing]

S Munk - Engineering & Technology, 2015
... THE WORLD'S LARGEST consumer technology trade show, CES, held in Las Vegas
in January 2015, was deluged with 'Internet of Things' (IoT) launches. Connected
and selfdriving cars, home automation devices and major ...

Development and Intellectual Property Construction of Internet of Things

Y Shu - … , Management and Humanities Science (ETMHS 2015), 2015
... keywords: Internet of Things; Intellectual property; Legal protection. abstract: Internet of Things
has an inseparable relationship with intellectual property law as high and new technology. The
intellectual property law for IOT has relationship with the future development of IOT...

The Internet of Things: shaping the new Internet space

N Mustafee, N Bessis - Concurrency and Computation: Practice and …, 2015
... This humongous pool of addresses ensure the continued expansion of the Internet for many
decades to come and it realises the vision of everyday objects that are uniquely identifiable and
are connected to the Internet – this is commonly known as the 'Internet of Things' (IoT). ...

A framework for human interaction with mobiquitous services in a smart environment

AP Volpentesta - Computers in Human Behavior, 2015
... Smart objects and smart environments are fundamental components of the Internet of Things
(IoT), ie a global infrastructure of networked of smart objects and other physical/virtual objects
(electronic devices, sensors, data, …) objects uniquely addressable, based on standard ...

[PDF] Development and Intellectual Property Construction of Internet of Things

S Yuan - 2015
... Abstract. Internet of Things has an inseparable relationship with intellectual property law as high
and new technology. The intellectual property law for IOT has relationship with the future
development of IOT... Introduction The Internet of Things (IOT) is booming around the world. ...

Big Data and IT-Enabled Services: Ecosystem and Coevolution

BK Chae - IT Professional, 2015
... On the other hand, the frameworks and technolo- gies—the Internet of Things (#iot,
#internetofthings), wearable comput- ing (#wearable, #wearablecomput- ing), and social media
analytics (#api, #sentiment [for sentiment analysis], #nlproc [for natural language processing ...

[PDF] The Microwave Industry Visits the Olympic Village

P Hindle - 2015
... His talk will be followed by Wai Chen from China Mobile Research Institute, dis-
cussing the latest developments in the Internet of Things (IoT). ... WE_102 Keynote:
5G and IoT Vision Dr. Zhengang Pan, China Mobile and Ericsson ...

Research Readings in Internet of Things

Coming in from the cold [Antarctica Research Base]

F Aston - Engineering & Technology, 2015
... present day innovation. Believing that commercial success may generally derive

from the 'Internet of Everything', discover what the future may hold for all internet
related consumer products. Meet the speaker Dr Robert Pepper ...


J Shuford - NCJL & Tech. On., 2015
... Matzler et al., supra note 4, at 72; Dan Preston, How The Internet Of Everything Transforms

Traditional Industries, FORBES (July 29, 2014, 8:43 AM), http://www.forbes.com/sites/groupthink/
2014/07/29/how-the-internet-of-everything-transforms-traditional-industries/. ...

Big Data Processing for Renewable Energy Telemetry Using a Decentralized Cloud M2M System

G Suciu, A Vulpe, A Martian, S Halunga, DN Vizireanu - Wireless Personal Communications
... of ubiquitous intelligent networks having the potential to seamlessly exchange information—

Internet of People (IoP), and, finally, the ability to interconnect any web enabled device and provide
natural Human-2-Machine (H2M) interaction interfaces—Internet of Everything (IoE). ...

Research Readings in Internet of Things

The Internet of Things: shaping the new Internet space

N Mustafee, N Bessis - Concurrency and Computation: Practice and …, 2015
The new version of the Internet Protocol (IP)–IPv6–has astronomically increased the IP 
address space from around 4.3 billion IPv4 addresses to roughly 340 trillion trillion trillion 
new IPv6 identifiers. This humongous pool of addresses ensure the continued expansion ...

Securing networks in the Internet of Things era

C Liu - Computer Fraud & Security, 2015
ScienceDirect is phasing out support for older versions of Internet Explorer on Jan 12, 2016. 
For the best product experience, we recommend you upgrade to a newer version of IE or 
use a different browser: Firefox or Chrome. For additional information please see the ...

Development and Intellectual Property Construction of Internet of Things

Y Shu - … , Management and Humanities Science (ETMHS 2015), 2015
abstract: Internet of Things has an inseparable relationship with intellectual property law as 
high and new technology. The intellectual property law for IOT has relationship with the 
future development of IOT. Countering the shortcomings of the protection in our country, ...

[PDF] Development and Intellectual Property Construction of Internet of Things

S Yuan - 2015
Abstract. Internet of Things has an inseparable relationship with intellectual property law as 
high and new technology. The intellectual property law for IOT has relationship with the 
future development of IOT. Countering the shortcomings of the protection in our country, ...

The Information Security for the Application of IoT Technology

J Jiang, D Yang - LISS 2014, 2015
... With the progress of science and technology and the continuous development of information
industry, the international telecommunications union (ITU) formally put forward the concept of
Internet of things” at the world summit on information society (WSIS) in Tunisia in 2005 ...

Internet of things devices go open source [News Briefing]

S Munk - Engineering & Technology, 2015
THE WORLD'S LARGEST consumer technology trade show, CES, held in Las Vegas in 
January 2015, was deluged with'Internet of Things'(IoT) launches. Connected and 
selfdriving cars, home automation devices and major manufacturers' signing up to open ...

A Study on Real-Time Monitoring and Accident Emergency Rescue Decision Support System Based on Cloud Computing in Chemical Industry Park

L Qin, S Feng, G Dong - LISS 2014, 2015
... and hard resources(such as emergency ensurance goods, spot detection information, computing
storage resources and net- work support platform, etc) are provided from suppliers of all
emergency informa- tion resources through The Internet of things, virtualization, mass data ...

A robust remote user authentication scheme resistant to known session specific temporary information attack

M Sarvabhatla, M Reddy, CS Vorugunti - Applications and Innovations in Mobile …, 2015
... Abstract— Rapid growth of mobile and networking technologies, resulted in new paradigms of
networking like Internet of Things (IoT) etc, which allows user to connect to insecure public
communication channel through various devices and can access the services and data ...

Hybrid Knowledge-Based System for Collaborative Green Automotive Manufacturing Management

M Nawawi, M Kamal, N Mohamed, NM Zuki… - Applied Mechanics and …, 2015
... 1004. Research on Information Security Evaluation of Internet of Things Electronic Commerce
Based on AHP. Authors: Man Ying Huang. Abstract:Internet of Things (IOT) is an extension and
expansion of the internet development. The ultimate goal of IOT system is to realize the... ...

[PDF] A Context-Aware Framework for an Intelligent Mall based on Recommender System

Y Ye, R Zhao, D Wang - … , Management and Humanities Science (ETMHS 2015), 2015
... Introduction With the growing popularity of the Internet of Things [1], smart devices in a variety
of applications in the field has been gradually playing an increasingly important role. ... References
[1] Perera, C., et al. Context Aware Computing for the Internet of Things: A Survey. .

Open-source IoT kit runs OpenWRT, mimics Arduino Yun

A “Domino.IO” Kickstarter project offers an Atheros AR9331 module running OpenWRT Linux, plus two tiny baseboards, one of which is Arduino Yun compatible.

To stand out from the growing number of OpenWRT Linux-based computer-on-modules and tiny, com-LIKE single board computers running Qualcomm’s WiFi-ready Atheros AR9331 system-on-chip, startups are now offering entire modular kit families based on an AR9331. Last month, we saw an Onion OmegaKickstarter project, which has since been funded, based on an AR9331 COM with stackable expansion modules. Now a Hong Kong based startup called Domino.IO has gone on Kickstarter to sell its own kit that expands on a Domino Core COM with Domino Pi and Domino Qi expansion boards, as well as smaller I/O modules that enable further customization. For complete and original post see here

5 Keys to Guarding IoT Privacy from the Ground Up

As IoT technologies start to penetrate every aspect of our lives, the days of "don't like it, don't use it" have long since passed. Instead, if IoT is to succeed, we must give customers confidence that the products and devices being developed are safe and that their data is secure.
While some of this can be achieved through strong marketing messages, at the end of the day perhaps the best way to address customers' concerns is to place privacy at the forefront of your product from the very outset. Rather than expecting customers to 'protect' their own privacy, we should be providing them with devices that do everything possible to avoid putting that privacy at risk.
This is a serious challenge for engineers and developers to overcome, but it is one that is already being addressed across all levels of the development of the Internet of Things, from hobbyists to professional engineers. By including privacy protection 'as standard' designers are not only helping to put consumers' fears to rest, they are also providing a more stable infrastructure for the Internet of Things – and a strong platform for widespread adoption.
Telling engineers they need to increase their focus on privacy is one thing, but the reality of how to achieve this is a far more complex matter. While there is no one solution to 'fix' the issue of privacy, one of the best places for engineers to start is in attempting to ensure that all IoT devices conform to the Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs). Originally set out by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the FIPPs have become a go-to standard for safe guarding privacy online.
They include:
  1. Notice – Ensuring consumers are made aware their information is being collected.
  2. Choice – Providing users with the ability to opt-out of data collection.
  3. Access/Accuracy – Allowing users to view the information collected and to verify or contest its accuracy.
  4. Data Minimisation – Never collecting data unnecessarily or retaining it for longer than is required.
  5. Security – Protecting all collected information from internal and external privacy breaches or threats.
To read complete and original post see here

Internet of Things (IoT) in action

Monday, April 20, 2015

Internet of Things – Core, Converging and support Technologies

The Internet of Things (IoT) concept and paradigm covers different technologies. Apart from its core technology , many other technologies are converging to support and enable IoT applications. These technologies are listed here:
  • IoT Architecture
  • Identifcation
  • Communication
  • Networks Technology
  • Network discovery
  • Software and Algorithms
  • Hardware Technology
  • Data and Signal Processing
  • Discovery and search Engine
  • Network Management
  • Power and energy storage
  • Security, trust, dependability and privacy
  • Interoperability
  • Standardization

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Apigee Launches API-First IoT Solution

Apigee's new Apigee Link offering enables device makers to connect to the Internet of things via REST APIs.

Apigee, an API platform provider, has announced Apigee Link, an API-first Internet of things (IoT) product for connecting devices to the Internet.

Apigee Link enables device makers to build IoT ecosystems via REST APIs that foster connectivity between devices and IoT sensors. In short, Apigee Link helps take the IoT beyond gadgets and enables any device maker to become a digital platform business, the company said.
Device makers face a number of challenges in building a digital platform business: reliably and securely connecting devices to the Internet with minimal latency; enabling partners and customers to orchestrate digital experiences that involve multiple devices; working with app developers; and collecting, analyzing and acting on data from sensors and actuators.
"APIs are a critical enabler for the Internet of things," Chet Kapoor, CEO of Apigee, said in a statement. "With Apigee Link, we are leveraging our core competency in APIs, data and protocol mediation to deliver a new Apigee product that securely links devices with the Internet and helps device makers build powerful IoT ecosystems. Apigee is already working with device makers and solution partners, and looks forward to working with many more to help them become platform businesses". For complete and original post see here

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